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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

17 days left

Well this is a sad blog to post! Since we got home from leave we have been packing our apartment, putting it in storage and getting ready for the deployment. We pretty much have everything out of the apartment except for the furniture. So this weekend we will have a truck and will be moving everything else out of the apartment.

Last night we went to our final pre deployment briefing and we have his address which I will be emailing to everyone, I do not want to put it on the blog. But at the meeting last night we were told to watch what we say about our soldier and where is he. The only thing you are allowed to say is Blake is in the Army and he is deployed to Afghanistan. They don't want their location to be revealed to anyone. So I just thought I would share that with everyone.

Blake will be leaving from Fort Lewis on July 11th. So from today we only have 17 days. I cant believe that we are counting down days now. For so long we would say next year or 6 months now we only have 2 weeks. Its sad but I know that he will be safe and he is excited to go. Also we were told last night that we will only get to talk to him once a month. And that doesn't always mean on the phone. It might only mean that we get an email from him once a month. Their goal is to get the soldiers to be able to talk to family weekly but they aren't sure that will happen. So if you don't hear from Blake don't be alarmed and please try not to get upset. If something bad happens over there I will be the only one that is informed and I promise that I will let everyone know as soon as possible. I will also keep you updated on what I hear from our Captain's wife. So his deployment is coming up fast so try to get your phone calls into Blake because his phone will be shut off the last week he is here. And again please pray for us because this is starting to become real and its getting harder by the day.

We love all of you!!


Leigh said...

Love you Tay! you and Blake are in my thoughts and prayers daily!!!

Crystal said...

Reading your post caused tears to swell in my eyes for the realization of Blake's future. We will keep you all in our prayers. Cherish every mintue of the next 17 days! All our love, The Ryan Mooney Family.