2. Blake deployed... AGAIN
yes you read that right he is gone again. I cant believe it but that is our life and we knew that it would probably happen. Its weird though because this time it is easier and harder at the same time if that makes sense? It is easier because I know what to expect this time however it is harder because we have Cale now and Blake has to miss out on 6 months of his life. I hate that for Blake but at least Cale is so young that he wont really know, except for the pictures. And I told Blake that at least when he comes home he can wrestle around with Cale more than he can right now since he is still in the baby stage. Hurry up and wait, story of our lives!
3. Cale and I moved to Alabama until Blake comes home
Blake left on August 9th and Cale and I headed home on August 10th. I didnt really want to hang out in Germany by myself too long. I had already been by myself the whole month of July because Blake was gone to schools so I had already missed him. I didnt want to be too emotional and Cale having to deal with me! :) My parents were extremely excited that we were coming home, but I'm not sure if they were ready to have a baby living with them!! :)
4. My best friend got married... WHAT?!?
I cant believe it! Leigh got married and Cale was in the wedding! I'm not going to lie he was pretty cute!! He was carried in a wagon with our friend's little boy Colin. Which by the way is the cutest, sweetest and most adorable little boy. He was so exicted to hold the baby. Cale did great going down the aisle, he was just looking around at all the people. I cannot wait to see the pictures!
5. My son will be 4 months old in 3 days
I cannot believe that it has been 4 months since I gave birth to my sweet baby boy! He is growing up too fast! We will be trying baby food for the first time next weekend!! I will be feeding him and my mom will take pictures and then video tape it. We have to do what we have to do so that Blake wont really miss anything. And soon he will be rolling over. He is close but just not there yet.

Oh yeah and today he will get in the pool for the very first time. I'm not sure if he will like it but i cant wait to put him in and of course take pictures!! I will post pictures... I promise
1 comment:
Wow, I feel like we are living identical lives! I hope the next few months go by quickly, without rushing Cale growing up! I'm sure your parents love having you guys there, I don't know what mine are going to do when we leave! And Cale is adorable, just in case you have never been told!
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